Advent and Christmas Eve 2022
Christmas Eve Services
We invite you to attend any of our four Christmas Eve services this year, either in person or online:
4:30 PM Contemporary Family Service, which includes contemporary Christmas music, the message, an interactive Christmas Story reading for children, and Silent Night candle-lighting
8:00 PM Traditional Service, which includes carols, scripture lessons, the message, choir anthems, Communion, and Silent Night candle-lighting
11:00 PM Chapel Candlelit Service, which includes contemporary Christmas music, the message, the Christmas Story read for children, special music, and Silent Night candle-lighting.
Children's Pageant: The Story of Christmas According to Kids
If you missed our children's pageant during Advent last year, be sure to check it out using the link below!
Christmas Season Special Music
In 2020, 27 members from the Hope Ridge UMC Music Ministry used their gifts of music to put together a collection of 32 special music pieces (almost 2 full hours) for the Christmas Season. Below you can find the entire collection (with an introduction by Jonathan Gordon, Worship Director) or individual links to any of the songs from the collection. A sincere thanks to all these artists, the Praise Team, and the Media Team!
Choral Anthems
Bell Anthems
Vocal Solos/Duets
Instrumental Pieces
Small Group Pieces
Full Band Arrangements
More Information
Our Christmas Eve services, the pageant, all special music, and our Sunday worship services can be found through the SERVICES page, our Vimeo Channel (Hope Ridge UMC), our YouTube Channel (Hope Ridge UMC Church), or on Facebook Live (@HopeRidgeUMC).
Please consider making a donation this Christmas Season by visiting our DONATE page.
We invite you to share the Good News of Jesus' birth with family and friends!